CeltFestABQ™ Merchandise Vendor Application

I'm interested in applying to be a merchandise vendor for the 2025 Rio Grande Valley Celtic Festival. Please consider my application.

NOTE: Fields marked required* must be completed to submit your application.
IMPORTANT: You must provide a valid City of Albuquerque Business License to submit your vendor application.
If you do not have a valid one, visit the City of Albuquerque Business Registration Information page to get one before submitting your application.
Company Information
Primary Contact
Secondary Contact
Other Merchandise Vendor Stuff

Payment Preference

Vendor fee payment method. required *
If your application is accepted by the RGVCF Board,
which payment method would you prefer?

IMPORTANT! Do not send any payment until
you are invoiced if your application is
accepted by our RGVCF Board!

Spot Size

required *


required *

Business License

Allowed file type is only .pdf, .jpg, ,jpeg, .png


If using a tent, I understand and acknowledge:
  • I am responsible for providing an approved and current fire extinguisher attached to my tent.
  • I will display a "No Smoking" sign conspicuously in my area.
  • I will not stake any portion of my tent on asphalt, and agree that if I do stake my tent into asphalt, I will pay a damage fee by 4:00pm the final day of the Festival.
Business Summary
0 / 500
Comments or Questions
I've read and agree to the CeltFestABQ Vendor Terms & Conditions required *

I've read and agree to the CeltFestABQ Hold Harmless Agreement required *